On Saturday the 9th of December DAP was invited to give a presentation during the parent day of Applied Earth Sciences organized by De Mijnbouwkundige Vereeniging. During that day the parents of first year students get more information about the study and what subjects are related to that. One of these is of course about the energy stored beneath our feet, Geothermal Energy.

In short a well-organized day with a lot of curious parents and interesting questions!

DAP seminar October 25th  (Oct 13th, 2017)

In cooperation with prof. David Bruhn, DAP would like to invite you for their next seminar on Wednesday the 25th of October.

This time, Domenico Liotta from the department of Earth sciences (University Bari), will give a presentation about:
“Geology as a basis for 100 years of continuous geothermal electricity generation at Larderello/Italy” 

The seminar will be held at the TU Delft, Faculty CitG – room 1.98 and starts at 16:00

Please click here for the abstract and invitation of the seminar:

