Thanks to all participants, speakers and sponsors for making the DAP Symposium 2017 a succes! View the opening of the Symposium by Rector Magnificus Karel Luyben here.
Frank Schoof (Platform Geothermie): Dutch geothermal, present and future business
Floris Veeger (Hydreco): Geotechnical developments in Triassic geothermal projects
Guus Willemsen (IF Technology): Ultra Deep Geothermal (UDG) Heat for Industrial Steam in the Netherlands
Chris Hellinga (TU Delft): Update Delft Geothermal Project
Sidney van den Berg (Well Services Group): Radial Jetting
Rien Herber and Alex Daniilidis (TU Delft): Dealing with Uncertainties in Geothermal projects
Cees Willems (TU Delft): Upscaling heat production from Hot Sedimentary Aquifers
Geert-Jan van Og (Huisman): Hurdles Geothermal Industry and Potential Solutions
Clement Baujard (ES-Geothermie): Geothermal Project ECOGI in Rittershoffen, France
Frank Vercauteren (TNO): Material challenges for high temperature geothermal wells