Symposium 2017: Surfacing Value

Thanks to all participants, speakers and sponsors for making the DAP Symposium 2017 a succes! View the opening of the Symposium by Rector Magnificus Karel Luyben here.

The 2017 edition of the Delft Geothermal Project Symposium aimed to unveil the market potential of geothermal energy to investors and to the energy industry and on the other hand the opportunities corporate involvement will offer for developers and energy providers. The main focus of this symposium was to make investors aware of the potential of geothermal energy and initiate a solid foundation on which geothermal energy can compete in today’s market.
The presentations from this symposium can be found below the photos.


Frank Schoof (Platform Geothermie): Dutch geothermal, present and future business

Floris Veeger (Hydreco):  Geotechnical developments in Triassic geothermal projects

Guus Willemsen (IF Technology):  Ultra Deep Geothermal (UDG) Heat for Industrial Steam in the Netherlands 

Chris Hellinga (TU Delft):  Update Delft Geothermal Project

Sidney van den Berg (Well Services Group): Radial Jetting

Rien Herber and Alex Daniilidis (TU Delft): Dealing with Uncertainties in Geothermal projects

Cees Willems (TU Delft): Upscaling heat production from Hot Sedimentary Aquifers

Geert-Jan van Og (Huisman): Hurdles Geothermal Industry and Potential Solutions

Clement Baujard (ES-Geothermie): Geothermal Project ECOGI in Rittershoffen, France

Frank Vercauteren (TNO): Material challenges for high temperature geothermal wells